Wanna know more? Below you will find the most relevant information about Stud Playground. Couldn't find your answer? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Date & time

Stud Playground will take place on Friday the 3rd of May. The Playground is open from 14:00 till 00:00. Make sure you’re in time, because it will close at 20:00! Then again, of course you will be on time, because Happy Hour starts at 16:00.

Place to Be

Lijm & Cultuur || Rotterdamseweg 272, 2628 AT Delft

How to get there?

Google has the answer;)

How to pay?

To be announced.

Drugs and medicine

The Playground is a playground. Did you do drugs on the playground? Don’t think so. Doing drugs or trading drugs is not allowed! Should you need to bring medicine, please take a statement with you from the doctor’s office and report this to the security. Then we will make an exception for you.


Make sure to check your Snapchat filter once you’re on the Playground, surprise!

Wanna have a smoke?

The Playground is mostly outside, so be our guest! Do you find yourself between four walls and a ceiling? Please, do not light your cigarette until you’re out in the open with the sunshine on your face.

What to do with your coats and jackets?

To be announced.

Lost and found

Did you lose something on the Playground? Check Facebook after the event if we have found something that belongs to you!


Any questions? You can reach us at secretaris@studplayground.nl